René has tracked with Kombucha’s iterations throughout the last two decades alongside of his own experiences with a more radical approach to health and nutrition. Naturally curious and inventive, René followed raw food trends around the world entering competitions, attending and then running cooking classes and working in restaurants where healthy eating was the priority. He’s ridden the extreme of the health food adventure, eating only raw food for years where he discovered the boundaries of alternative diets. He lost too much weight and became unwell living on the fringe of raw food culture. Having hit this natural personal boundary with his health, Rene was wise enough to extract the precious from the worthless through the experience, and began to develop a mature approach to health modernizing the best of these ancient diets.

• Probiotics which aid digestion and build immunities
• Active enzymes which boost your bodies cell life
• Polyphenols which fight free radicals in your body
• A long list of organic acids which aids your natural homeostasis.

PS. René has spent years developing a balanced approach to nutrition, health and the joy of eating great food. Have a look at his web site to see TV interviews, the deeper nutritional profile of his kombucha and approach to food in general and where you can attend his Raw Food Cooking Classes.